This Week: AIM closes, but industry chugs on with — what else? —Taxi Driver and Saturday Night Fever parodies. Girls from the Bad Girls Club really are bad, apparently, with the release of another “celebrity” sex tape. Director works out his oedipal issues by making a loving documentary about his mother, a phone sex operator.
AIM is closed for good. I was never a fan of the place, but it was where many in the industry got tested. The XBiz coverage:
Another reality “star” makes a “celebrity” sex tape, but doesn’t think she’ll be labelled a “porn star.” Steve Hirsch, of course, is more than happy to oblige them after “fierce” bidding. (I have no doubt I’ll be copying and pasting this again.)
Japanese figure out how to French kiss virtually over the internet — of course.
Note to self: making porn on company time is a bad idea. Especially if your company is the City of L.A.
Your Week in Porn Running out of Ideas: Taxxxi Driver: The Parody is upon us — because nothing makes for good spanking like violent loners who obsess over underage hookers.
Part two: I give you the Saturday Night Fever parody — because nothing makes for good mainstream straight porn like men in tight white pants, long drawn out disco numbers, suicide and attempted rape.
Phone sex documentary follows the exploits of a dirty talkin’ 60-something, saying sweet nothings like, “You’re gonna suck on my god damn nasty asshole, bitch.” The kicker: phone sex grandma is the director’s mom. Makes you want to stick to something real. Like hookers.
Booth babes in an auto show. It is to men what chocolate and peanut butter is to women, only more expensive.
In Russia, .xxx censors you!
Note to porn companies: putting out a press release that only 71 people pirated your movie is kind of sad. Probably best to say you’re just filing a lawsuit.
What’s new at May jGrrl Kortney Kane graces juliland in two foto new sets and one movie. Aiden Ashley makes a visit to Fotoland with a sexy set. Also the launch of JulilandTV’s second series 7 Minutes In Heaven with Lexi Belle. The coolest Talk Show on the internet stars jGrrl of the Year Lexi Belle and all her special guest. This week she has Aiden Ashely stop by to share some deep thoughts about monkey poop. Check it all out at
And don’t forget: — the only source of porn you’ll ever need.
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