February 2014 jGrrl Missy Martinez

JULILAND NEWS: Southern California beauty Missy Martinez has starred in over 200 films since her big break in 2009.  Now almost five years in, Missy looks back on her career as a time in which she found herself.  She admits that her initial fascination with porn was partly due to attending an adult convention during [...]

By |2016-10-15T07:11:33-07:00February 3rd, 2014|Categories: Featured, jGrrls|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Bloody Mess

Believe it or not, I got into trouble a few weeks back with VISA because they did NOT like my “bloody” pix and movies.  They have rules and of course, we follow those rules.  But can’t they see that the blood used in my work is entirely fake?  What can I say, everyone is a critic.  It’s ALL good [...]

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