Hello! I wanted to take a break away from the work and say hello to all of our members, friends and of course the grrls. 2010 was a crazy fun year and I want to thank you all for everything you brought to Juliland.com. As we start our sixth year I wanted to let you all know what is going on in our Juliland.com world. BIG things are planned and are going to start popping up very soon. First up was the launch of BobbiStarr.com and we’ve got several more high profile projects set to launch in 2011. I promise it will all be great and fun, because I don’t do anything unless it’s fun!
Tomorrow, January 27th, is our official birthday and I wanted to give a BIG hug and thank you to my partner Miss Juli Ashton! Without her, none of this would be possible. I’m dead fucking serious and if you know me, then you know that’s rare. I’ve always had BIG ideas and dreams, and it’s great when you meet someone who believes in you and your ideas. Without Juli’s support and ideas we would not be here today. Of course, this is just the beginning, and what you see on the site today is only a fraction of what we have in the works. Just be ready!
I also want to give a special thanks to every nasty, sexy, tasty, fun grrls that I’ve shot for Juliland! You grrls bring the love and fun to my life everyday with your sick little minds! Thanks for letting me play with you! You grrls make Juliland more than just a website… It’s an experience, and you know what I mean by that! If everyone knew how much fun we had together they wouldn’t believe it. It’s the best fun ever and I will never get enough! Bring it grrls!!

Last, I want to thank all our past, present and future members! I promise that I will always bring you my best! I will do everything I can to explore, experience and capture the best of the best. I will not rest until I’ve had fun with every grrl that wants to play with me. Please trust me when I say…
This is only the beginning! I fucking love grrls.
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