About two years back, I participated in a survey at UCLA that was somewhat controversial and humorous in nature – I was asked, along with other female and male students, to come up with as many names, nicknames, and terms in the span of one hour for the vagina. I recently came across this list of madness and I categorized my findings just for my Juliland darlings. Without further adieu, names for the one, the only, THE VAGINA…
Animal Names: beaver, squirrel, snapper, clam, butterfly, fury rabbit
Weapons/threats: snatch, teeth, jaws, penis eater, penis sucker, meat eater
Phonaesthesia: privates
Food: cherry, bean, pink taco, taco, meat packer, banana split, bologna sandwich, bun, cherry pie, peaches and cream, cookie jar, cookie, goodies, slimy taco, fish taco, Chinese takeout, fruit basket, hot dog bun, crepe, tortilla, peach pit, orange
Nonsense: cooch, cooter, poonani, C.U.Next.Tuesday, poon, poon tang, pussy, cunt, muff, muffler, coochie snortcher, coochie, twat,
Biological: Vag, vajayjay, birth canal, va, baby maker, baby tube, moisture maker, sperm depository, cum recycler, the gine, crotch, vagine, v-j, keigs
Miscellaneous: plant, box, G-spot, gateway to heaven, flapper, hot lips, A Woman’s Best Friend, A Man’s Best Friend, God’s Gift to Men, Penis Pleasurer, Peepee Pleasurer, triangle, squirter, chalice, the Holy Grail, lips, wet lips, Narcissis, My Lady Part, My Lady, Lady Lips, hair pie, red lips, wings, meat curtain, sausage grabber, key hole, tampon holder, uterine slother
Names: Miss V., Rebecca, Princess Peach, Cleopatra, Aphrodite, Venus, The Queen, She, Lady Labial
Location: cave, back hole, hallway, pleasure hole, estrogen well, pink mound, Brazil, down south, south of the border, south pole, valleys, fountain of youth, the canal, restaurant, the abyss, wave pool, down there, my place, Bermuda triangle, garden, forest, jungle, lagoon, fish market, The Holy Channel, love hole, zone, danger zone, danger square, vortex, land of no return, vineyard, oven door, Jurassic Park Greatest Place on Earth, adult Disneyland, river.
Yours truly,
Scarlett Stone
I hope they paid you for that survey. I can’t help but lol; a university or is it college has nothing better to do then waste time if not money on this topic. Maybe they’ll get a grant from Obama so we can all learn the different names for our penis’s. It might help me on my resuma or at least i’ll know what to call it whenever i’m in some funky mood. Next week we’ll be talking about breasts and the many names and ways to enjoy them :)
It was in a Language and Gender class through the UCLA linguistics department, so no money involved just a bunch of laughs and giggles! We were initially split up by gender, and then given time to come up with names. What I have given you is the final product from the survey (names from both men and women). The goal of the study was to see how men and women differ when it comes to naming the female genitals.
Thanks for clarifying the over purpose of the study sounds like some thought went into it,i could have added a few names to the list. I’m starting to like UCLA. They should do a study on how males and females react to smoking weed and parachuting E while downing a few drinks.. now that would be fun :)
I like the way you think ;)